
The marketing landscape is radically unpredictable. If you want to adapt, you have to be nimble. That’s us.

We’re an “all under one roof” powerhouse, founded on the principle that the best work comes from fully-integrated collaboration. Our approach is method, not madness. We work with you to assemble a specialized team that can take on any assignment of any size. While we execute with resolute efficiency, we’re not afraid to think big. Our team is composed of devoted, experienced people from every field: Creative Strategy and Development, Production, Post and Audio. Each member is talented and eager to collaborate.

We don’t just want to scale your business or tell your story for you. We want to build something with you.


Meet the Team

Dan Gedman

Title: Partner / President / CEO
Favorite Movie: I’ll tell you Apocalypse Now, but it might actually be Step Brothers.
Best Album Ever: That’s a stupid question. I once did a podcast and could barely narrow it to 20. Next.
Secret Skill: I’ve directed way more hip hop videos than you have. I promise.

Frankie Oviedo

Title: Partner / EVP / Executive Creative Director
Favorite Movie: Bottle Rocket — There’s no reason we all don’t have a 50-year plan.
Best Album: Weezer - Blue Album will forever be my #1, but Boston’s debut album has always created memories from a childhood I never had.
Secret Skill: Make people laugh.

Theresa Thornhill

Title: VP / Director of Client Services
Favorite Movie: The Graduate
Best Album Ever: Prince — Purple Rain
Secret Skill: Untying Knots


Chris Weaver

Title: VP / Executive Producer / Graphics Intern
Favorite Movie: Fast, Cheap & Out of Control
Best Album Ever: Double Nickels on the Dime - by the Minutemen
Secret Skill: Celestial Navigation

JT Mapel

Title: SVP / Director of Creative Strategy
Favorite Movie: The Great Escape
Best Album Ever: Eagles - Hotel California
Secret Skill: No one makes better pickles.

John McLean

Title: EVP / Director of Business Development
Favorite Movie: The Big Lebowski
Best Album Ever: So many to choose from… Pearl Jam - 10 or Tool - Lateralus
Secret Skill: Listening


Kat O’Connor

Title: Account Manager
Favorite Movie: “Yeah. You.” The moment it all came together for Sam in the best rom-com of all time: Sixteen Candles.
Best Album Ever: Fleetwood Mac - Rumours. How can you not crank up the volume, roll the windows down, and belt out the lyrics?
Secret Skill: I never forget a face. If I’ve seen it once I’ll remember it if I ever see it again.

David Kaufman

Title: Director of Photography / Senior Editor
Favorite Movie: The Sandlot
Best Album Ever: Déjà Vu by Crosby Stills Nash & Young The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd or... good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar
Secret Skill: At one time in my life I could spin a basketball on every finger on my right hand. Other than that I've gotten really good at packing a suitcase.

Dennis Dorrell

Title: Associate Creative Director
Favorite Movie: Hot Fuzz
Best Album Ever: Radiohead’s OK Computer
Secret Skill: I can snap my fingers really loud.


Patrick Morgan

Title: Senior Editor / Motion Designer
Favorite Movie: Akira
Best Album Ever: Donuts by J. Dilla. Runners up — Operation: Doomsday by MF DOOM and Richard D. James by Aphex Twin.
Secret Skill: I make comics and bombass homemade salsa.

Cash Ramsay

Title: Composer / Sound Designer
Favorite Movie: Inglorious Basterds, I've become obsessed with WW2, Quentin Tarantino, and being a dad in one stride.
Best Album Ever: Shotgun Willie by Willie Nelson, Gorilla by James Taylor, or BSSM by RHCP.
Secret Skill: Turning any surface into a drum set.

Austin Evans

Title: Editor
Favorite Movie: I have several favorite movies, I'll list a few. Moneyball, The Town, American Gangster, and Fargo.
Best Album Ever: Oh this is a tough question - very subjective - my first thought is Michael Jackson's Thriller. My favorite though? Heard It in a Past Life by Maggie Rogers. Not a single bad song on that entire album.
Secret Skill: Under the radar, I am a pretty solid cornhole player.


Brandon Scott

Title: Motion Designer
Favorite Movie: Parasite
Best Album Ever: “Animals” by Pink Floyd
Secret Skill: Repairing cracked 78rpm records


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